

podcaster // content writer // i can call rosé 'rosie' now because you know why

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gue baru sadar di mv ini kenapa ya pas masuk ruangan gelap malah chanyeol nyalain api, padahal kan baekhyun bisa berubah jadi senter

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friendship. The amount of representation that this series brought up to screen is so much meaningful and heartwarming. Of course, you'll get that heartstopper moment in every episode.

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Heartstopper is a heavenly series that captured everything you want from a teen romance. A little bit of toxic/bully senior in high school, which some people might dislike, but in every episode (8 in total) Charlie and Nick were just having fun with themselves finding love and

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NCT 127 2nd Tour Neo City: Bumi Serpong Damai THE LINK, when?

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momen apa apa yang bikin kamu jadi meme ini?

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tapi sesungguhnya memang Republic Cinta itu menginspirasi SM.

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trust me ae-aespa will be on marvel's game soon

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lagi latihan gambar di laptop dan kuawali dari nyontek

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