RJS is still hereさんのプロフィール画像

RJS is still hereさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:644 フォロワー数:520

This friggin' game had a genocide run option and never told us

18 72

I don't think I've ever seen more drastic inconsistency in character design than the ways they've portrayed raccoons on The Simpsons

16 111

How is it that we have "femboys" and "shortstacks" and yet we see these 'roided-out muscly female body types like these and no one thought to refer to them as "Sheefcakes"?

9 21

Squirrels with green eyes:

5 20

Might do this year, might not. Lots of other stuff I gotta do this month, but maybe I'll try to spare some time.

9 50

Guys, a borzoi is just Gooby, calm down

2 4

I really haven't done too many high-end pieces in the past couple years that aren't furries or shitposts. I should remedy that for 2023. https://t.co/EICZc3CLhQ

0 3