

#1 bawks/bento stan || im the avatar of hoes, master of all hoe arts||…

フォロー数:317 フォロワー数:215

Sorry for attacking or making anyone uncomfortable. Im not feeling good this week

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Im getting pregnant. That is what's gonna happen

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No i love you beautiful human 😳

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either i REALLY fucking love fairy tail or im REALLY fucking depressed because i cry with every single episode i watch

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My friend told me he got me my birthday present but isnt gonna give it to me until i give him his.

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We did it bois. We got our persona drawn by the lovely for spoopy season 🎃

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I asked my friend if he wanted me to stop making jokes that we were dating and he didnt say yes....but he didnt say no either

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Hi... yes daddy... same birthday...uh huh... and legal.... sign me tf up please 😍😳

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It's like he never left

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