

puutting shit on my dating profile like i will never lie to someone who's nice to me and i wont fuck you if you don't enjoy Movies

フォロー数:642 フォロワー数:2952

waiting to go home because disco elysium is waiting for me

0 17

me looking up how old Edgar Wright was when he made Spaced: im about to get my feelings hurt
me seeing he was 25 when he made Spaced:

0 36

Hellraiser sequels:
-Hellraiser in space
-Hellraiser but its on the internet
-Hellraiser they made in 3 weeks so they wouldnt lose the license and Clive Barker said it was so bad "It's not even from my butt-hole"
-Hellraiser but they buried the release and no one knows it exists

1 34

big fan of orko with his eyes closed

4 29

i just noticed that i have 500 screenshots of a single pause screen from darkest dungeon. wow i wonder who might have done this. i wonder who could have stepped on the keyboard and done this

1 73

some notes about Dante and Arthur.!!

0 31

i wanted to draw but its too late to get stuck into smth. i drew this with my mouse.

0 23