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"No one on his deathbed ever regretted having been a #Catholic."
▪St. Thomas More
Jesus, guide me home, to my final goal! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death!
Why did you suffer for me, dear JESUS? For love! ♥️
The nails...the crown...the cross,
all for the love of me!
~St. Gemma Galgani
O how we love You, Lord!!!
Grant me the grace, my JESUS to love you so strongly that I'll be glad to suffer and fight for you.
---Fr. James Sullivan
O, Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
"Mary was a martyr, not by the sword of the executioner, but by the bitter sorrow of heart."
----St. Bernard of Clairvaux
O Mary Most Sorrowful, pray for us!
#MotherofGod ♡ #OurMother
O Adorable Face of Jesus, whom all the angels adore, may You be known, loved and adored by the whole world❗
Dr. Randal (former abortionist) said:
["The women] are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heartbeat --- they would not want an abortion."
#LoveSavesLives ❣
The Name of Jesus is the shortest,
easiest & most powerful of prayers!
Make a habit of saying:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ____
Say it often, devoutly, with love.
Bear in mind each time we say it:
1. we give God great glory
2. we receive great graces
3. we help the souls in purgatory
As the mother knows the needs
better than the babe,
so the Blessed Mother
understands our cries and worries
and knows them better than
we know ourselves.
~~Vn. Fulton Sheen
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death!
#PrayTheRosary 🌹
-~~ GOD SAID NO!! ~~
This is sooo beautiful & well worth reading.
Warning: You may cry.....
May the Lord bless us all!
#GODisLove ❣