

25 yr old who do art sometimes, occasionally. maybe. i’m also on tumblr (and instagram) ((again)) and in love with @mytimemywine89 💕

フォロー数:728 フォロワー数:5414

more owlstuck nonsense, but this time aspirational lowbloods edition :')

(luz largely based on 's design!!)

14 91

lumitystuck has evolved into owlstuck. im not sorry anymore !

72 321

literally me rn:

1 115

national g fronds day

37 154

from tumblr, re: the kind of piles rose gets dragged into

25 116

rosemary angst :(

141 578

kanaya engages in the transgenerational and trans-species lesbian practice of pining as rose talks abt... whatever it is shes talking about, but damn shes cute talking about it, whatever it is

11 68