

BLM :: i make games and draw :: cw 16+ preferred

フォロー数:241 フォロワー数:271

honestly pretty proud of this panel looking back on it. tho its a little overworked in my opinion

0 13

finished super metroid, always loved how the gravity suit looked

8 33

wip shinji chair painting

1 16
Hey! That episode of Adventures Through Paradox Space i was on is out! Go listen! Find out all the answers to the questions you asked and more!

5 11

Troll McDonalds Update!

17 55

im going on the ADVENTURES THROUGH PARADOX SPACE podcast. do you have questions that you are dying to know the answer to? are said questions related to troll mcdonalds/entropy ghost/parastuck? if you answered yes to both, please drop them down below

1 15

embrace tradition

2 21

dude u find the best piccrews

0 1

some fan kids i came up with in my java class today, the last guys name is percy, hes an ass hole

4 54