

will be leaving soon. catch me here: @[email protected]

フォロー数:928 フォロワー数:569

pixel art tuesday

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the fox and the cat normal adventures

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sort of managed to render a pixel outline on top of my mesh, still a lot to do.

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I made most of the animations but eventually realized that it would require a lot of additionnal work, such as programming specific mid-air behavior for each weapon. The Ghost was supposed to shoot lasers, sumon ghosts and move by swimming as seen below.

Still kinda like him!

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Aaah, the classic woodman ground lay down. This is how I spend 70% of my weekends.

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thinking about biblically accurate woodman again

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Allez petit jeu ! Un montage Paint3D (fait avec uniquement des modèles libres) = un film. C'est parti !

Film numéro 1 :

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One of the things I'm most proud of in Plant Down are the menus. I tried to make something simple, nice to use and to look at, and I think I achieved that goal. But it's always hard to self-judge on UI, so feedback is welcome

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moi comprenant que le bonheur ne se trouve pas dans les objets matériels ou culturels mais dans la capacité à profiter de la vie telle qu'elle est

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