Rin 🐰さんのプロフィール画像

Rin 🐰さんのイラストまとめ


🐰 bnuy 🐰

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:530

hello Sagiki!! i really like all chocolatey snacks, also i seriously love mango yogurt but i'm not sure if that could be considered a snack v(^u^)v

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thanks so much!! i hope you did too!

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a late surprise that sort of wasnt much of a surprise for
i hope all your new years will be very very happy!!
o((>ω< ))o

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have a great year too and oyasuka!

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my go-to would be one orange and one purple layer on overlay mode
you coud also make the picture a bit more contrasty, and add purple/blueish shadows
good thing about this is you can play around with the order of the layers and adjust their opacity
hope this helps! (。・∀・)ノ

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tagged by

fav food: mango yoghurt!
fav drink: chamomile tea!
phobia: thunderstorms ><
fun fact: as a kid i got hit with a skewer, i have a small scar on my forehead proving my undeniable heroic toughness. pretty sure i didn't even cry!!

tags in the replies

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hello my name is Rin and i'm a noblebunny that is looking for friends to have a lot of fun with!

i've always wanted a big sis so i would love to get to know you better (//>//∀//<//)ゞ

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please excuse the ugly crying, would love to hear your thoughts ^^
you strike me as a chaotic good!

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