R.R. Virdi - Pre-Order | THE DOORS OF MIDNIGHT |さんのプロフィール画像

R.R. Virdi - Pre-Order | THE DOORS OF MIDNIGHT |さんのイラストまとめ

USA Today Bestseller | Nebula Award & 2x Dragon Award-finalist | Worst Indian Ever | Philosoraptor | Hair Whisperer | Grab Grave Tidings FREE - Link Below

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So, now that everyone (that at least follows me) knows about Tales of Tremaine, book one The First Binding, out next year from , I can talk about and share the concept art I had commissioned before even beginning.

The idea behind the series was a love -

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But real talk, memes aside. What are y'all reading right now? (Thread) I want to see/hear - tell me about them. What are you watching!?

This is just me meme shit posting atm cuz I've worked a lot, bit tired, gonna make myself lol. . .for any who remember this reference. I'm old

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Alright folks, to continue helping the whole and shut-in life, I'm making another two books free for digital download worldwide on Kindle starting tomorrow.

Dangerous Ways, my best urban fantasy to date, will still be free for a few more days. Cont--

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Hey everyone. Still got about 40 US audible codes for this book to give away for free. 25 for the UK. Tomorrow I'll be making, Dangerous Ways (probably the best urban fantasy book I've ever written), free on Amazon. It's part of kindle unlimited at the moment, so it'll be free --

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