

🎮👾My life is videogames, cartoons and shitposting, pretty much. Professional illustrator & graphic designer.

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:90

Drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer ✨✨

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One thing I'm taking from 2020 is that I finally settled on a few "main characters" for my drawings, characters that I want to focus on going forward as I keep practicing and getting better at my work. So, yey to that.

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Without saying your age, post four games that came out when you were fourteen.

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Here are the four choices of a new smash fighter that Nintendo must choose from to personally please/validate me and me only. As always, any other character is immediately unacceptable.

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Thank you, for the tag!
These are my recent-ish works, I haven't really finished a lot during these last few months, but I'm working on it!

Tagging , , and everyone else if you want in!

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Finding out you have a type thanks to memes.

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P.S. I know this one is not Sega, it's Capcom, but it was a Sega exclusive :P

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Monk but too proud for his own good like Kung Lao; Leads a bunch of lovable imbeciles like Giovanni; Might evolve into a death dragon if not careful.

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Quando eu encontro alguém que chama o Arin de Egoraptor:

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