

🦋NOT SPOILER FREE🦋I like retweeting fanarts frequently 🦋NSFW 🔞 🦋I read/watch any manga/anime I find interesting🦋Shoujo enthusiast 🦋Rubiske 🦋

フォロー数:609 フォロワー数:775

After talking with oomf I suddenly miss lovely complex they are the blueprint of short boy x tall girl and they are such a cute and fun couple too I need to read more shoujo with short boy x tall girl trope

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David Production favourite girl everyone

34 129

I really need the Italians to pick up the pen and create again shows like this for the girls!!

2 9

"Soft feminine girls get so much hate its unfair" and then proceed to show us the 2 most terribly written most mid annoying and neglected by their misogynistic mangaka bitches from shounen instead of showing us actually good written and loveable soft girls like them

15 50

They just dont make shoujo or isekai or couples like this anymore. I dont really talk about kanata kara but I really love this manga izark and noriko have to be one of the cutest couples out there!! I really love how they both grew together and became each other's strength

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Uzui big fat tits out Tengen

1 5

Hottest/prettiest demon slayer men:
1 uzui tengen
2 douma
3 tomioka giyuu
4 Iguro Obanai
5 shinazugawa sanemi

1 6

Ufotable had no reason to add these scenes and make me cry like this but they did and I'm very happy they did!! Look at uzui and hinatsuru!!!🥺😭

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The urusei yatsura disrespect?? Urusei yatsura a classic hit in japan its beloved to this day Lum is one of the most iconic characters in japan she is the blueprint for tsundere girls and she is the original "waifu" this series its bigger in japan than most series out there lmao https://t.co/LQXJsJPNjz

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