water cube scholarさんのプロフィール画像

water cube scholarさんのイラストまとめ

i believe in harvey dent 🦇🤖🧩🛸🎸👁️ #freepalestine

フォロー数:857 フォロワー数:2841


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i said i wanted to start doing like headshot/hc refs for characters i particularly enjoy. started with purple hair gang. sorry i did not feel like drawing the dumbass outfits and double sorry it's all in french i didn't think to do it in english until i was done. fullview pls

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i want to make like a plushie zygarde cell that’s big enough to hug. imagine having one of these fucking things but it’s like a foot long

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repost i think but best queen i ever drew

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these aren’t really like. “redesigns” or anything it’s more just that i felt like drawing funny themed outfits but yeah whatever i love symbolism and parallels. fullview these for the love of god

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she DID get an alt at one point that's like a knight outfit!

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