BooRudetoons Comics on Kickstarter NOWさんのプロフィール画像

BooRudetoons Comics on Kickstarter NOWさんのイラストまとめ

Comicbook Creator & Traditional Artist in UK 🎃FlagForce Majesty VeganCaveGirl Continuum🍬I sell comics on Kickstarter & come join my Patreon 🍕 Vegan 🐢1981

フォロー数:392 フォロワー数:718

I wish I had snuck CyKill into the transformers comics when I drew them

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If you wanna work in comics you actually have to make comicbooks. I know sounds obvious but most people miss that step and demand to work in comics 😶 make some cool comics, learn from them, then you've got something to show the editors your coldcalling and blackmailing for work.

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MCU Thunderbolts looks craptastic, I'm totally uninterested in their lineup. The comics had AWESOME teams, and some easily forgettable ones. Cages team, Normans team and Deadpools teams would be instant moneymakers and they were epic teams. MCU just united the looseends, waste

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Only 2 hours left to.grab my latest craziest comicbooks !!! On kickstarter

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When you make covers for other people you have an awesome idea and then it either sails through or the person in charge asks for changes. They may be great changes or s%£t changes. Here the only change was the hair colour which was fine. When it's my comic all my ideas are good😉

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If you wanna draw Star Trek comics... Study what you wanna draw, see what editors did publish. OR BETTER YET make your own and say fuck the system

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I started by making my own comic books YEARS AGO which led to me making company comics and coming back to making my own comic books because that's what I enjoy best. The best way to get into comics is to make comics. Collectors can get them and you learn by doing

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