

Hi, I'm Rin! Story artist/Character Designer in the Bay Area. [COMMISSIONS: OPEN]

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:984

the event is over and i finally finish this now -_- anyway i love them

38 112

i miss these gays :( fav lesbians

8 34

sombra thinks reaper is real cute when he gets angery

31 94

hewwo i am here to post art of some gay ocs

0 17

apparently when i stress paint i just paint hot girls. SORRY FOR LACK OF ART BYE

1 8

these are my ocs al and ace.......... i wub them even they are rowdy nasty boys. two garbage boys.

2 8

Hi I'm Rin and I'm a illustration student graduating in the summer! I like character designing and storyboarding.

8 22

here are my two ocs.......... goodbye......

4 45

they are best friends and i love them

25 66