

Always in your heart

フォロー数:166 フォロワー数:395

Guys it's today! Im a nervous wreck but w/e, i have the wheel rdy, the timer, the booze 😅 🤖
SUBATHON is here!! 12pm PST, so roughly in 4 hours, hope to see you guys there, byebee

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I wanna start doing collabs with Japanese like my japanese is not super good, is kinda not that amazing, but i think i could do it hehehe, just need a volunteer 😅🤖

PD pajama time since 1 pm w/ rain feels good hehehe 😊🤖

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YEEEY!! its rainning!! and we going live too!
let's fight it out with animals this time!

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We liveeee!!! remember March 30th!! subathon!!!!!
Chilling with some card games

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back is killing me~!!! but it is time to go live! Let me just think what I'm streaming first 🤔🤖

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Tell me a better combo than comfy panties and a t-shirts to lounge, I'll wait 🤔🤖

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You're soo cute!! ☺️🤖

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