

Always in your heart

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:394

Good morning btw, I think I'll take the day off streaming today, tbh I've been feeling rly tired and sick these past couple days... I just want to keep the grind on hehe 😋🤖

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Hii~ I'm Ruppi, nice to meet you, I play lots of fg games, card games and fps. Would love to get to know you better 🥹🤖

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Thank you everyone that made this possible, i got my first check today, even tho is rly nothing, I'm really proud of it!
Thanks everyone of letting me live my dream, I'll keep moving forward to make it my actual dream job! Thanks... 🥹🥹🤖

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Hiiii everyone! good night, sry I didn't die i just had a bunch of medical appointments, buuut I'm ready for a late night stream... anyone wanna come? 👀🤖

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Halloo good morning everyone, I'm trapped in my bathroom, forgot to heat up the water, now I'm just waiting for it to get hot... 🫠🤖
Wanted to thank everyone that could join yesterday's late night stream, appreciate you all a lot! Thanks for lifting my dying spirit ☺️🤖

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Well I'm kinda sad, and kinda tipsy... so let's turn this into depressed and DRUNKK!! hahah going live again!! come say hiiii

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theater is starting!!! in minutes!! go get your last minute snacks! and come join my drunk ass to watch some anime hehehehe

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