

フォロー数:29 フォロワー数:29


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Nhhh I just want to... clean up all the pixels on the outside edge of this lineart...

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I was going to do it but not post, but my results ended up amazing;

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It says something about the characters I play that I got this sweater request twice. =B

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Example A as to why Croissant was never in charge of infiltration and spy work. =B

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Croissant not getting why the Mew Mews are absolutely loosing their minds because, while not to his personal taste, the virgin killer sweater is pretty average by the alien clothing standards, lbr.

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While I'm making noise about this again might as well toss out the other big FFXIV trans headcanon I have: Urianger is also totally ftm trans. I mean look at his shb outfit he's totally wearing a binder.

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Pre Hormone Therapy, Post Hormone Therapy. (Trans!Cid is the headcanon hill I will die on I mean *gestures!* COMON.)

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Me, before: Sure miqo'te are cute and all but I don't really get why literally everybody has a catboi/goil character.
Me now with +1 alt:

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