Akiyoshi Matsushitaさんのプロフィール画像

Akiyoshi Matsushitaさんのイラストまとめ

1996年8月8日 バートランド・ラッセルのポータルサイト開設(2万件以上のコンテンツ)+メルマガ「ラッセルの英語」発行 
PCサイト: russell-j.com/index.htm
スマホサイト: russell-j.com/index.html

フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:57

Russell Quote 366 with image, n2337
It is therefore important, if democracy is to be preserved, both to avoid the circumstances that produce general excitement, and to educate in such a way that the population shall be little prone to moods of this sort. Where a spirit of

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Russell Quote 366 with image, n2332
I do not mean by "reason" any faculty of determining the ends of life. The ends which a man will pursue are determined by his desires; but he may pursue them wisely or unwisely. We may assume that the kaiser hoped to increase his power by the

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 編集後記 ChatGPTなどの生成AIのネット検索への影響は?
 3月15日に ChatGPTのversion 4がリリースされました。まだ有料ユーザーの一部しか利用できないので詳細はわかりませんが、前バージョンでは・・・

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Russell Quote 366 with image, n2328
Another rather humble virtue which is not likely to be produced by a wholly free education is punctuality. Punctuality is a quality the need of which is bound up with social co-operation. ... One would be surprised to find a saint getting drunk

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Russell Quote 366 with image, n2326
Psycho-analysis, as every one knows, is primarily a method of understanding hysteria and certain forms of insanity; but it has been found that there is much in the lives of ordinary men and women which bears a humiliating resemblance to the

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Russell Quote 366 with image, n2314
Well, I think mathematics has the advantage of teaching you the habit of thinking without passion. That seems to me the great merit of mathematics. You learn to use your mind primarily upon material where passion doesn't come in, and having

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Russell Quote 366 with image, n2281
We find that every kind of custom has existed, many of them such as we should have supposed repugnant to human nature. We think we can understand polygamy, as a custom forced upon women by male oppressors. But what are we to say of the Tibetan

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 この世界において自分の置かれた場所(place 境遇/立場)をありのままに見ようとしない(見る勇気のない)者は、誰も恐怖(心)から解放されない。(また)自分の小ささ(littleness)を認めるまでは、誰も(人間として)自分が可能な偉大さ成し遂げることはできない。

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Bertrand Russell Quote 366 with image,n2266 ( Jan. 14 )
Education has two purposes: on the one hand to form the mind, on the other hand to train the citizen. The Athenians concentrated on the former, the Spartans on the latter. The Spartans won, but the Athenians were remembered.

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Russell Quote 366 with image,n2265 ( Jan. 13, 2023)
Pupils must not be encouraged to think that there are short cuts to knowledge. This is a real danger in modern education, owing to the reaction against the old severe drill.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, 1926,

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