

Just a guy who likes to scream while playing video games.…

フォロー数:75 フォロワー数:203

Eyo! This is Rw0dyXer0 signing in to say hi to you all. I play a variety of games to show what I like and that I am open to anything. I love interacting with everyone despite me being shy. I have eaten different kinds of sushi before and they are all good so I have no favorite.

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When I think about it, people keep their Vtubing life a secret so they wear an extra mask to hide it. Am I wrong?

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This is your friendly neighborhood AI Rw0dyXer0 here reporting for duty.

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Im sorry everyone but stream is cancelled today but I will do an extra long stream tomorrow to make up for it. Just hanging out with family members I havent seen since lock down and I am having too much fun. Sorry folks. Again extra long stream tomorrow. Thank you everyone!

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I'm not the only one that thinks this right? I am also................................. guilty of this as well.

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Yo, this is Rw0dyXer0 signing in to give ya some good ol content. I mostly scream and cuss a lot so I understand if its not to your liking. I play a good variety of games but I mostly play whatever catches my interest and what I am in the mood for.

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