ʀʏᴜᴜ || comms OFFさんのプロフィール画像

ʀʏᴜᴜ || comms OFFさんのイラストまとめ

INFP || i draw || OC/FA

フォロー数:680 フォロワー数:531

1. -Valha... He will invade that hell to be his territory, i guess.. (fyi: valha tuh vampire)
-Leon... stressed out(read:happy), bakalan jalan keliling2 sie

2. If Valha was a demon... he.. —maybe seggs with all newcomers(?) HAHHAH hehehehehee

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masih ngang ngong ngang ngong tiap bikin mata

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Mau drop portofolio aja buat kenang-kenangan ✨
btw, porto nya buat dkv unnes di pil.2, tapi aku lolos di pil.1 fib undip sih 😁

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dulu gasuka, sekarang suka

btw, hi nyuwip https://t.co/Ogt1zweQmW

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