seiyuna 🧸さんのプロフィール画像

seiyuna 🧸さんのイラストまとめ

art acc @kimi_hxh / / eng 中文 日本語 / hxh 단크라 / side acc @yusejuda…

フォロー数:124 フォロワー数:1766

Wanna hear about my Yuta lovechild AU <-- crackhead theory 🙂

A year and a half after Yorknew, baby Yuta was born on March 7, 2001. His childhood was fairly normal until his first love's death manifested into a parasitic Nen beast more dangerous than that of Tserriednich's

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I really like their second year designs too

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If anyone wants to do a fic trade for inuokko or ottoge, let me know 🥲 I'll write you anything for these two

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Take care! I hope everything is okay

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Kurapika can restore his whole clan with all these babies

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I'll steal this for Tserriednich and Kuroro

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This is how the krkr babies were born. Super high IQ

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I always think of the krkr family 🤕 The silver haired girl is the villain's daughter in this series

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They look like Sol and Runa 😭

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