S Sunstrumさんのプロフィール画像

S Sunstrumさんのイラストまとめ

Cartoonist. SF enthusiast
Ex. Mag #4, Iron Blue
Currently working on Terra Nullius, a critical space colony comic

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:2355

Here's some examples of my full-color work

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I'm Sebastien, comic author and illustrator. I make a series called Iron Blue. I'm serious about SF and pay close attention to the context of my designs.

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I'm Sebastien, I make atmospheric SF comics

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"High-laser, full power!" Normally for point defense, the chest laser of this unit can become a terrifying weapon, limited only by the accumulation of heat. The radiator/heat sinks mounted on the back allow for a few seconds of operation, more than enough.

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Here's a guy I drew on the weekend trying to engage with mecha aesthetics kind of like what you'd see in Zeta Gundam. It's a scouting unit that has some weapons meant for opportunistic attacks

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It's from a four-pager that didn't end up getting printed. About the idea of corporate/military use of parasocial type characters. Here it is in full!

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