

Fandoms: Genshin Impact (main) | Zelda | Dungeon Meshi

Do not repost my art, do not involve me in discourse

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:970

Just finished a Quasar doodle from last year bc I wanted to draw the sad horse child again

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Guess who finally started using the 3d models in CSP... Stairs always were a nightmare to me but NO MORE!

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No thoughts, head empty

Just Acnologia with this specific color scheme

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Confetti the Chameleon

Although the actual leader of the squad, she relegated all "not fun" work to Thorn. She took over leadership after killing the old boss (in self-defense, according to her)

She is both respected for her freakish strength and well-liked for her personality

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Thorn the Scorpion

Despite looking the part, being called "boss" by the others and doing everything a leader would to, Thorn is not the actual leader of the squad.

Sometimes his relative importance gets to his head, but the real boss is sure to rein that in immidiately

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Dusk the Hyena

With her ability to dive into and hide in shadows, she is a valuable member of the squad, albeit the newest. The other members are hesistant to trust her, given Dusk's tendency to prioritize her own safety over everything else

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Chance the Monitor Lizard

A tough girl with a strangely charismatic personality, Chance is the powerhouse of the squad. She not only packs a punch, but can also paralyze with a bite

(I could not physically convince myself to put a shirt, breasts or pants on her. I refuse)

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Flicker the Dragonfly

Her compound eyes may make her look scary, but she is more on the mellow side. Despite spending most of her time in the air, she is rather down-to-earth

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