Safeen | サフィンさんのプロフィール画像

Safeen | サフィンさんのイラストまとめ

I draw stuff

フォロー数:281 フォロワー数:886

Namek saga Super saiyan goku!
Art by: me

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Reminder: Future Trunks killed Frieza, the Androids, Cell, Babidi and Dabura and stopped majin buu from hatching AND he defeated Zamasu.

The real GOAT.

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Man, i fucking miss dragon ball
guess I'm gonna rewatch some DBS episodes

starting from one of the best arcs in all of Dragon ball (imo)

The Future Trunks/Goku Black Arc.

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These are my best drawings.

Y'know it's always been my dream to be great at drawing and be able to draw what I want since I was a little kid

And seeing what I can do now makes me very happy and emotional at the same time. almost making my childhood dream come true :')

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Since dokkan has some of the best themes I've ever heard, I decided to make a list of my favorite ones

1. TEQ Vegito Blue
2. TEQ SSJ4 goku
3. AGL SSJ4 vegeta
4. STR omega shenron
5. UI goku
6. Jiren
7. PHY full power broly
8. Gogeta blue
9.STR SSJ4 goku
10.PHY omega shenron

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LMAO Same thing goes for legends too buddy, you can't compare an in-game pic to an actual card art.

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You just made the whole DB fandom happy today! we love you, thank you.

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