

I have many hobbies but this one is for drawing.
[email protected]

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Catfish get huge in a suitable habitat. Doge will need backup if even one big boi gets away and lives to monstrosity. It can't be helped. Slaughter the younglings.

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"His genitals were bitten" they put his benis in their mouf

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Being bitchmade makes him more realistic than if he were gigachad and all the other EVA pilots unanimously date him. Also his dad loves him and his mom isn't dead.

Nah Shinji gon git traumatized nice and good.

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Reminds me of Slit Mouth Girl / Kuchisake-onna, a Japanese urban legend. This is a piece from / miitoban of her flashing her scary mouth and asking if she's pretty. To which faceless senpai subverts with wholesome affection.

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One of the Metal Slug operators.

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Can they scrap this idea and give the money to Zone-tan instead to do something.

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I see what you did with the first one.

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He is also in their view an IRL Bond villain and a big dumb baby. As the Japanese say, it can't be helped.

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"I know losers in my life" Such an awkward reply lol

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