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In the manga, the "Planet Power" transformations are achieved by only raising one hand and saying the vocal command. Yet in Crystal, Rei, Ami, Makoto & Minako use their previous "Star Power" wands; Haruka & Michiru, however, use only their hands. #SailorMoon #SailorMoonTrivia
Like her fellow Ayakashi Sisters, Koan is named after a mineral. However, her name comes from the Japanese word for kermesite (also known as red antimony) — kōankō (紅安鉱). #SailorMoon #SailorMoonTrivia
According to a '14 interview in ROLa with Naoko Takeuchi and Fumio Osano, Sailor Saturn was removed from most of the Indonesian edit of the '90s anime. Reasons aren't clear, but it may have been for religious reasons. Source: https://t.co/XIV1xgSg4M #SailorMoonTrivia #SailorMoon
In the manga, the Golden Crystal is the Sailor Crystal associated with Earth's guardian Endymion. And in the '90s #SailorMoon anime, Mamoru has a golden Star Seed, but it isn't the Golden Crystal. #SailorMoonTrivia
In the '90s anime, the Eternal Tiare is #SailorMoon's only wand that gets an upgrade without becoming a different weapon altogether (e.g., the Spiral Heart Moon Rod becoming the Kaleidomoon Scope). With the Holy Moon Cálice, it becomes the Moon Power Tiare. #SailorMoonTrivia
In episode 35 of the '90s #SailorMoon anime, Queen Serenity's hair is blonde. In all her other appearances, she has silver hair, though. It's unclear if her hair was always silver, or if it turned silver over time. #SailorMoonTrivia #SMAnimationErrors
Kazuko Tadano — character designer for the first 2 seasons of the '90s #SailorMoon anime & now Sailor Moon Eternal — said she wasn't a fan of Ami/Mercury because her hair was hard to draw. Naoko Takeuchi had a similar problem. Source: https://t.co/dKv4EsKQox #SailorMoonTrivia
Cardian Amaderasu from episode 53 is inspired by Amaterasu (天照), a Shinto deity. Among other things, she is seen as the goddess of the sun. #SailorMoon #SailorMoonTrivia
A scene in episode 23 of Evangelion is said to be inspired by a scene in 151 of the '90s #SailorMoon anime. Seeing as Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno worked with Kunihiko Ikuhara on Sailor Moon, there are other notable references and connections. #SailorMoonTrivia
In episode 42, Usagi used the Disguise Pen to become an actual sailor. In doing so, she instantly learned how to pilot a speedboat. #SailorMoon #SailorMoonTrivia