

He/Him • 30• Black • Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror Consumer. I'd say this is a comic account now but truthfully the violence is multimedia.

フォロー数:311 フォロワー数:157

Marvel, Ben, Vita... somebody... anybody, give me the Wolverines one shot, I have money I swear

5 9

Honestly Tony being obsessive over Krakoan secrets to the point of trying to use Angelica as a plant lines up perfectly. There's a reason Logan told him to his face that he moves weird and made him promise to stay away from his body if he ever died.

16 92

The theme is communication and understanding. I call them the LeXicon; Krakoas diplomats between man, machine, and nature.

7 47

Monica Rambeau is trending (as she should), time to show once again she came from a loving two parent home with a father she adored and the MCU payed her whole family dirt in order to gas Carol.

16 42

Eli has a lot of great moments but him swinging on Osborn will always be top 3

11 58

Still waiting on that "Komi-san Can't Communicate" anime but in the meantime

4 20