

18+↑ | エルリ左右非固定| アルバイト日本語教師| 日常呟き垢(@yayaahiru1029) Taiwanese, part time manga artist and language teacher.
Buy me a coffee to support : ko-fi.com/yaya1029

フォロー数:241 フォロワー数:7745

This afternoon when I was in Starbucks, a lovely family from Holland sitting next to me and their 5 year old daughter(the little girl in p2) drew this rainbow unicorn with my iPad, It lightened up my whole day🌈🌈

1 22

Wakanda forever!

36 104

THIS IS WHAT I REALLY WANT TO SEE!!!!! (and yes, I saw the Infinity war.)

8 36

Painting practice.

51 173

"You're a brave man Dr. Xavier."
How ever I just want to make this Dalter/Charles sene...you can put any script you like😌

26 77

Birthday cake 🎉

3 27



Spy and detective.

12 39