Sakary Yoliztliさんのプロフィール画像

Sakary Yoliztliさんのイラストまとめ

Digital druid, artist, old hermit and grumpy

フォロー数:339 フォロワー数:216

Anderel Stories is a project I have been working on for a couple of years. Lately I have been working on the design of some of the characters and a pilot chapter, ... I would like to know your opinions, at least regarding the design of this first character.

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Practice human face


Practica de rostro humano

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Commission finished!


Comision terminada!

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:B i need to do it~!


:B Tenia que hacerlo

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A commission that had forgotten to upload ^^;


Una comision que habia olvidado subir ^^;

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Who else remembers her and their magnificent voice? <3 srry nostalgia attack


Quién más se acuerda de ella y su magnífica voz? <3 lo siento ataque de nostalgia

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Finished commission!!


Comision terminada!

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