

the true salt archon |🇵🇭| art acc. | 21
header: @nbb3_G

フォロー数:383 フォロワー数:57

Made another Ranboss fanart cause I love the mask so much :'DD

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Right, I forgot about the mask. Gotta be safe at all times. :'DD

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I've been procrastinating by watching Ranboo's videos so much that I finally decided to draw again. :'DD Thanks Ranboo, very cool.

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I finally got back to drawing again, and it really helped me vent the emotions I've been bottling up ever since my online classes started...

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honestly forgot why I made this art acc. in the first place wHEN I HAVEN'T POSTED ANY ART AT ALL LIKE SDJKFSKJFH but yeah here's two babies to cure all your sadness away hehe

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when nightmare doesn't give you any satan cards, so you make more satan content :'DDD

(i keep getting the dad where's the son dammit)

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drew this idol satan while listening to pied piper by bts on loop :'DD

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Grumpy lil' Jiminie will always be my favorite lol
(oh and please do support me! I'm just a newbie Art student :') I really do appreciate it, thanks!)

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I've been watching a lot of army tweets compilation videos a lot these days lol, and then I saw this one tweet with this vid of Jimin looking at this girl likeeee boiii. Get u a man dat would look at chu like dis man.

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