

32 y/o, NYC, Puerto Rican illustrator and beginner plush maker. I love making OC content! Creator/Owner of 3/4 LEFT. Tweets and opinions are my own. (they/them)

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INHALES another excuse to talk about KIM LEE of course I'll take it 🐁!!!!!!

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Heyo! I'm Sam! Here's a couple of my pieces and I plan to just go with the flow this upcoming year ✨

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Here’s a younger Jesse (19-20) in a detective/spy police academy kind of AU I’ve been thinking about for the longest

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During the month of October and a bit more I made my first, mini comic which focuses on my character, Kim Lee🌿🐁

Here it is in thread form🌟 Thank you for reading, sharing and just taking the time to check this out! 🤙

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Yeah Jesse can’t believe he’s getting married either

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I still feel like my digi art is rusty but gotta keep chuggin! Jesse with the creature that's saved his life countless times <3

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I'll start💗

My name is Sam, I'm an NB latinx artist and love drawing cute masc/boys being cutie!


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Wanted to draw something quick before bed I’m so sleeeeeps but I love my Dragalia boys

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It is I, who had strayed too far..

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I have lil commissions open until this freelance goes through and I just spent 80$ for my dog haha so any boosting or interest would help loads! Just send me an email at smlndez1 if interested, they go for 40$ 💗

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