

woo! this is literally an account where I’m posting my random stuff or other art things I do cause ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you can probably find my other accounts somewhere!

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I wasnt the one who said they were doing a sketch of you but I WAS while they were too haha! iTS BAD IM SURE THE OTHER ONE IS SO MUCH BETTEERR MUCH LOVE TO ALL❤️❤️

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lmaaoo this is my quick verion I’m gonna try another cursed Mickey but uH yeah

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just got finished with my little drawing of angel, Ashley, and Alastor together and aH it took a day and a little more lmaOooo!

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so these are just some doodles I know I’m not crazy amazing but I just stared doing this and like I’m getting better as time goes! These were all from hazbin things I did and when I get home tonight I’m definitely going to make more and hopefully kinda show more of what I can do!

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