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(also 2012) Just realized I should look in my doodles folder, and found these.
(2012) Smile was so much fun! I feel like this was the time I was the most active in the fandom.
(I forgot how much of a Miyuki fan I was, lol)
(2012) This is the first time I drew a thank you piece for a season, if it wasn't obvious enough how much I love this season! 😭
Also got excited over Smile coming up, so I drew these outfit swaps (I should do something like this again~).
(also also 2011) I'm guessing this is when I picked up on watching Yes! Precure 5 subs too lol.
(also 2011) I feel like when I get around to rewatching another Precure season, Suite is gonna be it.
(Side-note: man, those fake leak designs were so good. Waon and Reika (I think?) were robbed!!)
(2011) Oh my god, did I love Suite so so so SO MUCH. This is when my fanart-ing really ramped up.
(also 2010) This was also the first time since Yes! that I saw leaks for an upcoming season, and I got really excited about Suite. (Someone wrote "Kitajou" instead of "Houjou" on PCLJ, so I went with that blindly 🤭)
2010 - Because of hinging my watching on fansubs, I also didn't watch Fresh at the time of airing. But then came Heartcatch, and active fansubbing. And I came back too. I remember someone commenting my style "didn't suit Precure" with the first piece, lol.
2007 - Yes! Precure 5 subs were very sporadic, and I didn't feel like watching raws of it either so - it took many many MANY years for me to actually complete watching it, and GoGo lol.