Sandpaperdaisy Art 💀 Human Drawing the Scaryさんのプロフィール画像

Sandpaperdaisy Art 💀 Human Drawing the Scaryさんのイラストまとめ

HORROR artist & illustrator of Cradle of the Worm and The killing of Dreams. Recent art in the Media tab. Open for commissions.

フォロー数:594 フォロワー数:299

Detail, this became a creepy bug artifact from hell(?)!

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I fear my readers who already hate Joseph are not going to change their minds with this page... (EDIT: They didn't)

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Another detail. If you want this monstrosity in your home, it's a 16x20 canvas and you can snatch it up at .

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Detail. Maybe you guessed, I ended up using the "Pale Horse piece I was working on awhile back for this instead!

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My submission for the 5th anniversary show at , dealing with myths. I chose to do Hernan Cortes, since some sources claim that Moctezuma II mistook him for the returning god Quetzalcoatl.
The story of Moctezuma succumbing to the power of a myth may be a myth itself…

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(It's March so there'll be occasional spam.) Did this particular one for a lovely person awhile back.

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