

フォロー数:482 フォロワー数:4033

I have to free myself of time and live the present because there is no time but this wonderful moment.


61 97

"Don’t break your tenderness."

~ Jack Kerouac

53 76

Everything in life happens 4 some reason nd who knows why it's good.. And I believe in gud nd tht gud comes back. I don't regret d steps taken or d wrong.. Bcos every step is step by d heart.. and I believe tht everything comes to its own nd tht just when fate wants to.

53 58

Nobody feels nobody, here's the sun burning itself for us.
And we flirt with the moon.

44 45

The most beautiful things in life, the ones that will remain forever inside us, are not ′′ things ′′ at all.
It's people, situations, feelings, emotions..

72 70

Trust Me...
The person you're chatting every night will leave you soon.

48 60

Far, but close with the heart... ❤️

35 32

Stay with whoever dreams of you, whoever awaits you, with whoever looks at you look at something you see for the first time. Even if it takes years or months with you.

22 23