

fanart: @.kazumira13 @.brianteeth 🍁QZGS🍁 CDramas, CNovels (full spoiler)

フォロー数:92 フォロワー数:71

one of my biggest regret is qiu fei not joining xing xin

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“Excellent Era has been doing poorly this season, but he isn’t the type to abandon his team.”

“But they’re the type to abandon him.”

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“The wonderful thing about life is probably its unpredictability. It was just like a few years ago, he had firmly believed he would work hard and put in his best for his interest and ideals for his entire lifetime, but then in the end, he still lost to reality.”

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To her, he had never spoken a single word of lie.

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it was because of his hand injuries that he can practice medicine anymore

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Perhaps it was because she didn’t understand then, that when you meet your fated person, there truly was nowhere to escape to.

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They joked and said "goodbye" when they were separated. Maybe they will meet again in the street, in the classroom, or in the Internet cafe in the future...

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HS: ....... theyre strong, but not enough, and so, in the past few years, i have always felt very boring

LF: ............ so Im back, sorry, sorry for keeping you waiting

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his name is muqiu

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FCKK NOOO im going to reread hanmo scenes since canon give me happy ending unlike sanxiu and pengchen

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