Sergio Gonzalezさんのプロフィール画像

Sergio Gonzalezさんのイラストまとめ

Artist, where ever creativity takes me...

フォロー数:3147 フォロワー数:3699

I remember i was fear to get in that trains that lost in the dark tunnel with uspeackeble fake monsters, "Ghost train dreams" relouded 4sale

14 24

Try to see the future, its usless, its now!!, "Surrealist architecture landscape", relouded 4sale.

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This is 4 fun.. "Stoned alien".. relouded 4sale

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After a shty day, in my prisssion country.. this "Lonely dancers under a broken blue sun", relouded, 4sale

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No words this time, or no time 4 words, now, maybe tomorrow, "Crack quantinc time space" relouded 4sale.

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From the dephts of mind, a feeling sharing with paint, "Universe brain", relouded, 4sale

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This is weird.. what can i say.. "Unicellular life builting an insect" relouded, 4sale

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I dont know if thers a goal, but it doesent have to be mesianic.. "Mesianic goal", relouded 4sale

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This is for 4 her support and wisdom... "Skull Island".. in parts..

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From some time ago: "Kisses and lies"

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