

i'm cota. i do art sometimes.

フォロー数:329 フォロワー数:99

The last attack I've done so far is 's Minnie. Look at this bean! She's adorable!

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Hey there guys! I'm Cota, 25, a character artist to be! Today I've really been focusing on lifting other artists up, so .... I feel y'all! Here's some of my stuff, and I'm gonna go through and boost stuff in this tag too! 👉👈🥺💙

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tacking on some more art for too! Gonna go through and rt y'alls stuff, but here's some more goodies from me!

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I'd really like to build myself a community of smaller artists while I'm at it! I'm talking like under a thousand followers! So I guess this is an thread! show me your goods! I'll try to rt all of it! Here's a couple examples of my stuff to start!

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look at me, a certified no talent, no following artist according to some parties!! i love character art and drawing strong ladies!! my stuff is a little unrefined right now, but when i get that level of polish back i'd like to start doing concept work!

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master.... has given dobby a sock!!!

dang time to dig the good pieces out of the attic. let's see. i like these ones the most!


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I'm Cota, a character artist and student from Florida. Badass Ladies are my strong suit!

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but i'm out, so have some old cu's

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aaaand this is the oldest zuzu i can find but it isn't the oldest i have

(included: gift art from a friend in eighth grade lol)

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