

part time illustrator

misskey, bsky @sate2801…
無断転載、 AIへの利用禁止。天安門。

フォロー数:4132 フォロワー数:15713

around elves watch yourselves

...oh wait, it's dark elves
nevermind i suck at puns._.)

31 92

I'm not sure if the warframe one counts but ehhhh
I draw too few midriff :/

1 13

happy birthday !!!!!
sorry I'm late as usual ._.)a

5 17

it seems all i do this week is wip and wip...

7 61

aactually I hope it's one of the operators i draw
but the power of US of A is too strong I guess w;;

17 73

I need a pun about shotgun and breaking your arm but I'm too bad at it so I'll just leave it here and hide in corner

67 131

i ran out of time :V
maybe tomorrow idunno

6 14