

I make channeling artworks that tune to the joy of individual souls and Oneness.

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:16

Thank you! Kame san!
”Take off your glasses ,and dive into an unknown territory! Go ! Go!”

August 1983:Virgo(Female)

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Thank you ! KAYO san!
”You are cute as usual !”

BGM♪Oh, Pretty Woman:Roy Orbison

1980/3 うお座(女性)
March 1980:Pisces(Female)

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Thank you ! Naomi san !
"You are a genius that create balance and harmony.”

1985/10 てんびん座(女性)
October 1985:Libra(female)

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To Otchi
”Your playful spirit bring happiness to all living things.”

1984/12 やぎ座(女性)
December 1984:Capricorn(female)

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