

i draw fruity people. hauntologist.

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passage of time

690 6104

me at 15 vs me now (i keep scratch my face)

1 14

namkook skater boyfriends

26 190

the Jinx material I can pull out of this tho....

0 14

I've just finished the first issue of "Step by bloody step" written by Si Spurrier and illustrated by Matias Bergara & Matheus Lopes ; It's cleverly narrated (it's dialogue-less story !) and the artworks are wonderful I mean LOOK AT THIS

0 13

anxiety and love

869 7508

15. More like a one single inspiration for A LOT of stuffs. "L'énigme" by Gustave Doré. I'm heavly inspired by his entire work, especially his gravure. But his paintings are also heart crushing. Especially this one, i have a lot of memories attached to it.

2 21

(sorry the quality is not great here) if it can helps, the folds are completely into the lineart process. the 1st is the "raw lineart", and as much as "stylized/not real" they are,

1 8

it was supposed to be a sketch

146 950