

👨‍🦲 Artist, Game Developer, YouTuber currently making Faceplant
✏️ Business Contact: [email protected]
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フォロー数:1723 フォロワー数:6888

Hammond is such a cutie! New main incoming

Tried a new process for this one, not a fan of the outcome, but hey, experimenting is fun and I learnt a lot :D

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Probably my greatest frame of animation to date!!!
When it's 1 frame long nobody is gonna notice how silly it looks :D

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New profile pic up in this here social media region

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I should post more art. Here's a study class I just finished. My favourite being one of the 5 minute sketches! Gotta stay loosey goosey!

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‘Ban-Lu, Grandmaster’s Companion’ by Veli Nyström

Link to profile:

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Here’s the painting I finished up in the wee hours of the morning!

It’s a design based on a veteran motorcycle clubs centre crest piece.

Focusing on realism was a huge challenge for me, true test of patience!!!

Hope you dig it

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Yo, have been meaning to stream/make videos recently but mental health been kicking my ass. Here's a little something I've been working on here and there anyway:

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Have slept on it and my mind feels fresh, I now understand gold rendering and should be able to truck through the golden monkey piece. Here's where I left it yesterday after hours of being frustrated. Needs a lot of fixing but I know what to do now.

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Finished him up on stream. Only took ~2.5 hours of painting. Trying to streamline my process and give myself more control. NEARLY in a comfortable place to work on proper portfolio pieces!


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