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フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:2378

prayers to all the victims and everyone who's affected in Nice. I'm crying legit tears

0 3

TOP really shows how much he misses his dongsaengs... My heart cries..

12 6

I'm sorry, my heart can't handle this. You can take it.

6 1

Nerdy riri👓🐼 fanart kk (cr on pic)

1 0

LOL TOP said he wants the painting so fans painted some for him lmaooo (cr on pic)

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fanart of one of my favorite alive tour moments :D when hyungs bullied him on stage then he threw the panda head haha

15 18

TOP PUDDING fanart is out already, freaking cuteeeeee cr:Gyudon_A

37 13

Bigbang lollipop part 2 fanart kkkk too cute I wanna eat them~

4 2

YB fanart by babymoon321 ^.^

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