

Call me axo! a government assigned himejoshi with official documentation and ID card. in the Yuri industry for 20 years, a professional girl kisser champion

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:105

Listening to whatever she says

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I like attaching myself to people for some reason (friends and family) like I would always have my arm around their shoulder and being very close or hugging them from behind and just getting attached like slime if I were shorter and lighter I’d definitely get carried by other ppl

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Just wait till you see French they ignore their own grammar rules and make half of the letters in a word fucking silent

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What if I am an immortal god?

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People would say “Violence isn’t the answer” but when the TV stops working the best solution is to hit it 🤨

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Idk why people are complaining this is like my favourite design idc if mhy makes her the worst character I’m gonna pull on her the second her banner comes SHE LOOKS SO COOL!!!

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It’s so interesting to see the difference between insta and Twitter replies in the GI community

In insta people replied with “ohhh wow he looks kinda cool” even if they didn’t want the character but in Twitter people would somehow find a reason to complain even if it’s good

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Guess I’m just naturally very funny

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I would be carefully articulating a joke in my head and when I say it nobody laughs but when I turn off my brain and say the first thing that comes to mind everybody laughs hysterically

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If that happened to me I would have started fighting everyone idc!!

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