

This is just an impressions dump. Follow on the sky that is blue under the same name since I am mainly using that! @acenoi is my 💝💍 B: @fnzlda, A: @_250p…

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:305

sometimes I forget why i take screens, especially if they're years removed and i'm not personally involved with them (ie: it's not a character I made)

pretty sure i mostly took these because they're of my boi kevin

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. hey i found my mind zero screenshots from the jp version

just posting them for no reason at all lmao

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i still need to finish the VN where I chose Van Helsing as my husband

he's been waiting for me for a long time.

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Going through my old Vita screens and yeah Rayman Origins was pretty good. So good I bought it twice lol.

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Kept a ton of screens from the last decade tho.

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seasick pirates and they barely sailed anywhere

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not a bad dungeon tbh
the tradition of the minibosses being harder than the actual bosses was like... not a thing this dungeon cuz the miniboss was a joke.

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rood im in the middle of something

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Got new shield and new sword finally.

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