in desperate need for con season to startさんのプロフィール画像

in desperate need for con season to startさんのイラストまとめ

🇩🇪,🗣️ger,eng, she/her, 28, just here for the lolz…

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I can‘t handle how cute this is 😭💕
Sadly I can‘t buy it cause I‘m in the EU but I can draw my OC in it 🥺

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i‘m currently rereading the PJO series and also in light of Hades II being announced I tried to draw my favorite demigods with inspiration of their godly parent.
design for the characters has alway be my favorite so I used that as well in these drawings

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Another commission of Aurélie and Kevin this one by the lovely They really did a perfect job I love the drawing so much 💕💕💕💕 it's hard to take my eyes off of it

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Commission for for her and DnD OCs Oliver and Will 🥺🥺 pls don‘t let them suffer too much

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