David Schochさんのプロフィール画像

David Schochさんのイラストまとめ

Team lead for "Transparent Social Analytics" @gesis_org ** SNA ** #Rstats #quartopub ** Maintainer of soccerverse.com ** fosstodon.org/@schochastics

フォロー数:365 フォロワー数:2679

trees created from random Collatz sequences

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The code also includes a really cool random sprite generator (adapted from https://t.co/1qf6j8rGdA) (3/3)

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Gotta love css, but this took me longer than I care to admit. At least I have a pretty gallery for my packages now. 🥳

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Code is available in a small package:
You can also create some random code art

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First attempts of some with
Translating Rscripts into abstract "art".

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sad to have missed this talk. I am a big fan of the "science of small networks". This is the smallest graph with 5 distinct centers (traditional indices+subgraph centrality) https://t.co/76gUgLCvdK

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I discovered the hexSticker package by and I spent too much time with it...

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For anyone interested in network visualization using and I condensed a workshop into an online tutorial which can be found here: https://t.co/cFVjCmdrGr. To keep it interesting, half the examples are on the Grey's Anatomy Hookup network.

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Not a huge basketball fan but I love the dataviz of in (can only recommend it!). I tried to replicate some of his figures with The originals can be found here: https://t.co/FCf3OKvOay (1/3)

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animation is a bit icky though. Nevertheless, I consider my coffee break well spent

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