

Basking in the pleasure of ME/CFS, I ramble physically, verbally and mentally around Scotland. Lost forever in the Scots Mist of my mind.

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The clock change confused me this year.

Did they go forward or backwards.

In the end, I compromised.

I put half forward an hour and the others back 23.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

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This morning feels like today might be better than recently.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

1 3

Not the best this morning, but still managed a little anti Johnson work. What a joke the UK is now. 💩🥴💩

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day

1 4

Better day today after yesterday's acupuncture.

Hope to do something productive today.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

1 4

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi seachdain air leth math agaibh
I hope you have a great week
I hiner ye hae a stoatin week
Tá súil agam go mbeidh seachtain iontach agat

0 2

Hello Tweeps

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

1 2

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

What a busy week. Blood tests, acupuncture, neighbour's aunts funeral and their daughter in hospital.

500 words written yesterday, and I only feel tired today.

Get some more done today at a nice, leisurely pace.

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Thursday's 1200 paces wouldn't be ignored.

I had a PEMonition about it.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

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A whole week and no bad days!

Hope this week is the same, and I can get a little writing of reviews and articles done.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day

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