

you should follow @rookruff for actual art and stuff, i really just post whatever i want here 🌿 I: @tiigerstars b: @silicon65 match: @valpezian

フォロー数:978 フォロワー数:5140

he is just the coolest...

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I had a spark of inspiration that might make itself into an askblog sometime!! Im very happy because its the most solid story/characters ive got compared to all my other attempts and ive started designing...

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not approved in any way but im doing a custom for someone n :))) idk i think it looks epic

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and here's their worldbuilding site (still half a wip) if you wanna read more about that stuff?!?!

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DJFNJ THANK YOU!!!! that is honestly so sweet of u .. let me drop everyones refs

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once in a while i must show u all my beloved, my baby

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i told myself i wouldnt do many previews bc i would be ruining the video when its finished but one. just as a treat. not my best animation or whatever but this videos prolly getting finished in under a week from start to finish so lets go

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because some of u had to bear thru me tweeting opinion, have a beloved character to make up for it,
first one is their canon silhoutte, second was just me tryna figure out mostly markings

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funny little fun fact.. i found some old old concepts of what was supposedly my part of rory when i was in it for like.a short moment before dropping w my collaborator.. just wanna show it bc the palette was really cool and fun to incorporate into the part, esp bc it used two

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